Hybrid Power Solutions get their first 5 solar installation leads with Test Ads

Hybrid Power Solutions get their first 5 solar installation leads with Test Ads

Hybrid Power Solutions, a Canadian trailblazer in the clean energy sector, has inspired countless people to live their lives without limits. Specializing in solar, energy storage, and backup power solutions, their team is committed to designing and manufacturing products that are safer, quieter, and more efficient than any other alternatives available. Their passion for cleaner and more effective portable electric systems drives their vision for long-term technical improvement and advancement of power technology across various industries, while also enhancing the overall ROI for end-users.

Navigating the competitive online landscape, Hybrid Power Solutions needed an effective Google Ads strategy that would generate leads while maximizing their advertising budget. Test Ads rose to the challenge, devising a plan that would meet Hybrid Power Solutions' objectives and pave the way for a scalable advertising approach.

Implementing a dual-campaign strategy for optimal results

Test Ads developed a plan to run two test campaigns with identical structures over one month, comparing the performance of campaign A optimized based on exact keywords and manual bidding with campaign B leveraging Google's automation algorithms.

Throughout the month, Test Ads monitored bids, paused low-performing keywords, and followed Google Ads recommendations to optimize both campaigns. Targeted ads and extensions were created, including sitelinks for essential website sections and conversion actions directing users to form submissions.

Evaluating success and refining the strategy

After the first month, Test Ads calculated the cost per lead and evaluated the success of both campaigns. Based on the results, they decided whether to extend the test for another month or focus on the more successful campaign. The primary objective was to achieve a long-term cost per lead between $60 and $200.

If both campaigns generated conversions, Test Ads planned to scale up the budget and adopt the better-performing strategy to maximize results. This approach aimed to identify the most effective Google Ads strategy for Hybrid Power Solutions' solar installation business, creating a template campaign for future use across different regions.

Achieving success with Test Ads' customized approach

By leveraging Test Ads' customized and budget-conscious advertising services, Hybrid Power Solutions successfully generated their first five solar installation leads within the Toronto Area, effectively reaching their target audience while maintaining financial efficiency. The cost of the initial campaign was $220, showcasing Test Ads' ability to deliver results without breaking the bank.

“Working with Test Ads has been a game-changer for our business. Their dedicated focus on cost-effective advertising have allowed us to generate quality leads and grow our presence in the solar installation industry.”
Karyna McLaren, Head of Marketing & Brand Strategy, HPS
“Working with Test Ads has been a seamless experience. Their open communication and constant pursuit of new ideas have truly elevated our digital marketing efforts. We're confident in their abilities and look forward to continued collaboration in the future.”
Gary Assoun, Co-Founder, Biocoiff'
“Test Ads has been instrumental in helping us maintain a successful cost per action while scaling our ad campaigns. Their data-driven approach and cost-effective strategies have ensured that our campaigns continue to deliver results, even during challenging peak seasons.”
Dian Radev, Owner, Gi Superservice
“They are very analytical and focus strongly on numbers and metrics and WILL NOT SLEEP till they see the results they want. As a business owner, I personally really appreciated Test Ads commitment to our brand because you don't always find this type of work ethic in today's day and time!”
Gigi Gill, Co-Founder, Zoraw Chocolates

With the successful implementation of their Google Ads strategy, Hybrid Power Solutions has established a scalable, effective approach to generating leads for their solar installation business. Test Ads' expertise in affordable, customized advertising services has enabled Hybrid Power Solutions to reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.

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The Goals
  • Generate solar installation leads within the Toronto Area
  • Optimize advertising budget for efficient lead generation
  • Identify the most effective Google Ads strategy for Hybrid Power Solutions
The Approach
  • Implemented two A/B Test campaigns
  • Leveraged Google's automation algorithms for campaign A and manual bidding for campaign B
  • Monitored campaign performance, optimized bids, and paused low-performing keywords
The Results
  • Successfully generated the first 5 solar installation leads
  • Achieved cost-efficient lead generation with a $220 initial campaign budget
  • Established a scalable, effective Google Ads strategy for future campaigns

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